Are you in charge of your life…or is life in charge of you?

Studying. Raising a family. Working. Caring for aging parents. Dealing with health concerns of your own. Plodding through a pandemic. Navigating chronic pain or chronic illness. Etc., etc., etc.

Life gets hectic. We lose sight of ourselves, our health, our goals and our dreams, and self-care gets completely lost in the shuffle.

Can you relate to any of that?

Please take a minute or two to consider this question: What is the outcome for you if you continue putting self-care, health goals, and life dreams on the back burner? How would your life be different if you prioritize these things and make space for them starting today?

In his book, Feel Better Live More, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee focuses on 4 key pillars of health (food, movement, sleep, and relaxation) and teaches his audience simple tools to become healthier each day. What better time than now to become a healthier version of yourself?

So here is my feel better challenge to you:

Carve 2 minutes out every day for the next 7 days to implement some form of self-care. This can include: deep breathing; adding an extra serving of vegetables to a meal; sleeping a bit longer rather than checking social media; taking a walk with your dog; connecting on a deep level with someone you love.

If doing this challenge sounds daunting, or you find yourself faced with resistance and/or coming up with excuses, fill in the blanks here: “Although ____________ is important to me, I am going to ____________ so that I ____________. For example, “Although attending my children’s school function is important to me, I am going to take 5 minutes to journal every morning so that I can let go of my stress and feel more fully present when I do attend their function.”

Need Some Accountability?

And, if you’d like some accountability, drop me a note every day to let me know what you did and how it made you feel. At the end of the 7 days, let me know how you plan to continue your self-care regimen--and let me know what other self-care ideas you came up with!


Tracy Weber

Tracy Weber is a wellness guru and owner of Tranquil Journey in Dubuque, Iowa, specializing in holistic health care for the body, mind, spirit, and heart. She is a Registered Nurse, Yoga Teacher, Massage Therapist, and Lymphatic Drainage Specialist, plus so much more.


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