Your Mood On Hormones Recap

On October 20, we welcomed Megan Gross, Certified Nurse Midwife and Fertility Specialist, to She Unites. This just so happened to be our largest turnout since we launched in April and we have a good guess as to why….women’s health can be mysterious. But Megan broke down all of the unknown about how our hormones fluctuate throughout our cycles and most importantly how to hack your life to make it all feel more tolerable. Not to mention, this particular night was more like one-third presentation and two-thirds question and answer with Megan. Enjoy this quick recap of her talk!

Why should you even care about this topic?

Megan has a wonderful sense of humor that gets to the point. Why should you care about this topic? Well, hormones and menstrual cycles are impacting over 50% of the population. So even if you are past the period days, you know someone who can benefit from this information.

A Quick Review of the Menstrual Cycle

  • Day One = Bright Red Bleeding

  • Cycles vary in length from 22-35 Days

  • There are several follicles (eggs) maturing at the same time

  • Ovulation Occurs Mid-cycle

  • Next Period Starts 12-16 Days After Ovulation

Now Let’s Talk About Hormones and Your Mood

All of these lovely hormones are released at different stages of your cycle and provide different moods in return. Let’s learn about what they do.

  • Estrogen: Mood Stabilization, Memory Regulation, Aids Neurotransmitters

  • Progesterone: Calming

  • Testosterone: Aggression, Libido

And here is what these hormones are up to during each phase of your cycle.

What is the overall takeaway from this information? Name your feelings and address them in a constructive way.

Each day is different with our hormones, but by learning to acknowledge what is going on with our bodies, we are better able to go about our days without losing our minds. Again, a huge part of this presentation was questions and answers. If you have questions on anything pertaining to hormones or women’s health in general, shoot Megan an email below! Patient education is her favorite part of being a healthcare provider.


Megan Gross

Megan is a Certified Nurse Midwife practicing in Dubuque, Iowa. She supports women through specific women's health concerns, fertility support, prenatal and postpartum care. Megan is a passionate healthcare provider full of wit and realness, that will instantly put you at ease. Not to mention, a total badass full of incredible knowledge.


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