We are proud to be a 100% donation-supported organization. Our spaces, speakers, and programming are all gifted by those who support our vision. #bettertogether

If you feel compelled to join us in the SheUnites mission, donations can be contributed via Givebutter. On this platform, you can donate via Paypal, Venmo, or Credit Card.


What does your donation do for She Unites?

Transparency is a key value of ours and when you donate to She Unites, we want you to know where your money is going. To start this non-profit, we as founders have personally funded over $2,000 to get this project off the ground. We want to be real in that none of this just magically happens. We have a stellar Board of Directors who are donating their time to make this happen. We are expanding our programming and we need the financial backing to make these dreams a reality. So all this to say, what would you pay for the She Unites experience? $5, $10, $20? Whatever you can offer, we ask that you financially partner with us. Because every dollar makes a difference.

  • Programming. Down the road, we want to be able to pay our speakers, venue, and vendors for all they have contributed to us.

  • The filing fees to form our corporation and non-profit with the State of Iowa and IRS.

  • Our website! Your donation helps us cover the domain and hosting fees of sheunitesiowa.com

  • Thank you cards. Because we think there isn’t a replacement for a handwritten note to express gratitude.