Stop Putting Your Health on The Back Burner

I don’t know about you, but every day about one million thoughts flit through my brain.

“Is my lipstick expired? Could I die from using expired lipstick? What ARE scabies really? Are they bugs? Worms? Do they have fangs? Did I take my vitamins? Have I even had a single sip of water yet today? How many pounds of peanut butter per year do I consume versus the average person? Why do people stuff the dead animals that they shoot? I should do squats? Did I make that orthodontist appointment for my son? Will all of my childcare come through this week? I should take the dog for a walk?”

And on and on the list goes. The last thing that crosses my mind is “Oh gosh, I haven’t had a physical since February of 2020, it’s probably time for my annual.” And when I do think it, it’s usually in the middle of the night when no one is open to make an appointment, unless they blessedly have online scheduling. By the time places are open, then I have to make a phone call and that’s another monumental task. I am the QUEEN of procrastination when it comes to my own health. But I’m here to encourage you to do as I say not as I do.

Why you should bite the bullet and schedule an appointment?

Every year when you go for your annual exam your care provider and team perform various assessments and tests to see how your health is doing. Yes, they check your weight, which can be a touchy subject, but they also check your blood pressure and other vital signs along with performing other important health screenings to ensure you’re in tip-top shape.

What are you actually avoiding?

Breast Exam

Did you know that 56% of the cases of breast cancer found each year are through clinical breast exam and self-exam? With breast cancer being the most common type of cancer that women experience, this is a very important exam to have done. It might be a little awkward, but it’s quick and painless.

The Dreaded Pelvic Exam

You might not need a pelvic exam every year, and unless you have had pap abnormalities in the past you don’t need a pap smear every year either. This is everyone’s least favorite part of the annual exam, but if you’re not due for a pap and not having any pelvic issues, feel free to bypass this part of your exam. You can do that. You can say “not today” to any part of the exam that you don’t feel comfortable participating in. It’s your body!

Mental Health Screening

A thorough annual exam should include a mental health screening. As women, we’re usually pretty in tune with what’s going on mentally and emotionally, but screening tools can be useful in identifying if our normal everyday stress is actually something more. More than 1 in 5 women have experienced a mental health condition in the previous year, and with the way 2020 and 2021 have gone, I would take an educated guess that even more women have been struggling. Your health care provider can help you to tackle these issues by providing you with resources to address your mental health concerns. From therapists to lifestyle interventions, to supplement recommendations and medications, there is no need to suffer in silence.

Reproductive Life Planning

This doesn’t mean “I’m going to have a baby at X time.” This is moreso a way to ensure that women are taking care of their reproductive health in a way that suits their life plans. Assessing if contraceptives are wanted, providing education, and learning whether there are any issues with the menstrual cycle. Many of us get our periods every month, but are we having normal healthy periods? This part of the exam can help to make sure everything is working as it should.

Laboratory Markers

Not every annual exam will include having labs drawn. But I would encourage you to have a couple of markers checked.

  • Vitamin D: We live in the northern hemisphere where far too many months of the year it’s impossible to be outside with skin exposed in order to absorb vitamin D from the sun. Additionally, we live in a culture where sunscreen is recommended and vitamin D cannot be absorbed through sunscreen. All this to say, you probably have dismally low Vitamin D levels. I know I did when I got mine checked. The goal is for your levels to be between 60-80, though the lab will say you’re good if you’re over 30. Adequate Vitamin D levels are imperative for mental health, energy, immune function, and can even help to curb chronic pain. 

  • Thyroid Panel: This isn’t necessary for everyone, but if you’ve been struggling with problems such as weight gain, energy, thinning hair, and other metabolic conditions, then you may benefit from having your thyroid checked. I would recommend a full panel to get a better picture of what’s going on with your thyroid. If levels are off, it would be beneficial to figure out WHY they’re off, which can be more easily determined by a full thyroid panel than just running TSH and T4.

  • Complete Blood Count and Complete Metabolic Panel: These can point to issues with immunity as well as nutritional status. They can help determine if someone is experiencing a nutritional deficiency that impacts their overall health.

  • Hemoglobin A1C: This is beneficial to see where your normal blood glucose is at. It can help determine if you’re suffering from insulin resistance and guide you on making better dietary choices to support your pancreas and liver in order to live a healthier life.

All of us are busy, whether we’re working, momming, or just being our typical badass selves. Life is busy. Don’t let your busy schedule interfere with your health. Self-care isn’t all wine and manicures. The most important type of self-care is ensuring that you’re caring for yourself. Remember you go through life in your body. She will carry you through your entire time on earth. So make sure she’s in tip-top condition!

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Megan Gross

Megan is a Certified Nurse Midwife practicing in Dubuque, Iowa. She supports women through specific women's health concerns, fertility support, prenatal and postpartum care. Megan is a passionate healthcare provider full of wit and realness, that will instantly put you at ease. Not to mention, a total badass full of incredible knowledge.


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