4 Ways to Optimize Your Immune System Recap

In February of 2022, we welcome Stephanie Grutz to the She Unites stage. Steph is a Dubuque native Nurse Practitioner specializing in Functional and Integrative Medicine. She shared with us her personal health story of not finding the right answers in the traditional Western Medicine world and seeking alternatives as a way to boost her own immune system. Steph shared with us more tips and tricks that we could write done quickly, but fortunately, she loves patient education and is a gold mine of information. Get caught up on all the good info from this empowering woman.

What Impacts Our Immune Systems?

To even begin to combat our immune systems, we have to know how they are being filled with toxins to start. Stephanie uses the ‘Cup of Water’ analogy to explain. We all have different size cups call be filled with toxins. These toxins come from all areas of life. Stress, diet, chemicals, pathogens, etc. ‘Perfect Health’ is when our cup has nothing in it. We add more and more to our cup, that is when our immune systems take a hit.

How do we empty the cup?

Healing Stress + Trauma: It is very simple to say stress less and practice some self-care. But it is all part of the equation when it comes to immune health. When we are stressed, our bodies are placed into Fight or Flight mode which diminishes the robust nature of our immune systems. Mediation, counseling/therapy to heal from past trauma, dedicated alone time. All of these things will help you heal.

For therapy, Stephanie recommends EMDR as it is a form of therapy that targets the physical response to trauma head-on.

High-Quality Foods: Nourishing your body with high-quality food is important. But it’s not just about getting in your government recommended 5 a day. Food in the modern world is sprayed with chemicals, coated in wax, and goes through a long transportation journey before it ends up at your market. A good place to start is looking at the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen. This is a list of foods that comes out annually about which products you should try to buy organic or conventional based on the chemicals used that year. Also aim to decrease your consumption of high sugar and processed foods. Sugar creates an inflammatory response in the body and therefor hinders your immune function.

Create a Toxin-Free Environment: Conventional cleaners, our water supply, even the personal care products we use make an impact on our immune systems. When we are consistently in an environment that has chemicals present, we are filling up the cup with toxins. So where to begin…start making the switch to clean products as you use up your old ones. One by one, you will make the switch without burdening your bank account. Get your water tested. If you are on city water, there are a number of additives placed into the supply. Filter your water specifically for fluoride. Replace your air filters. This is probably one of the most inexpensive changes you can make.

Stephanie recommends Branch Basics for all her cleaning purposes. It is a concentrate that you just add to water based on the cleaning purpose.

Supplement as Needed: Stephanie’s go-to cocktail of supplements for her patients is Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and NAC. Most people, especially in the Midwest are deficient in at least one of these. Get your levels tested by your provider to see how supplementation can benefit you. Vitamin C is rapidly used by the body during illness, so whenever you are feeling under the weather, pound that Vitamin C!

If you are looking for a supplement, read the fine print about what is in the supplement you are purchasing. Stephanie owns Vive IV Therapy and Balance Supplements if you are looking for supplements.

Be Your Own Health Advocate

The biggest point Stephanie made this night was to be your own health advocate. If something is off with your health, do your best to find providers who will help you find the answers you need. Do not settle for a catch-all diagnosis, living with symptoms that hinder your life, or being on medication for the rest of your years. You have to power to find the answers you need.

If you have any questions for Stephanie on Integrative or Functional Treatments, please reach out to her. Schedule an appointment at Balance Integrative Health or email her below.


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