How to Change Your Money Mindset

Here are some of my FAVORITE ways that you can start to change your OWN mindset around money:

1. Celebrate money coming in AND going out.

When I see money enter my bank account...”HELL YEAH, more please!”
And when I see it leave my bank account... “How cool is it that I had the money to pay for that?”

2. Set boundaries around who you talk about money with.

If you find yourself constantly in conversations that do not align with where YOU want to be... either let them know that you would no longer like to talk about this topic, or just disengage from it.

If you want to build wealth, stop talking about it with people who make you feel like you’re greedy for focusing on making money.

If you are spending less so you can invest more, stop talking about it/hanging out with people who make you feel bad for not ‘living a little’ and going shopping with them all the time.

If you want to learn how to be better with money, start talking to people who are. Find out how they did it. Listen to the way they talk about money, and start adopting those habits.

3. Always remember this: Money doesn’t buy happiness.... but having money allows you more freedom and time. And those two things allow you to do more things that make you happy.

So stop feeling bad for wanting to get GOOD with money. And that means talking about it more positively. That means paying attention to it. That means figuring out how to change your emotions around it. And that means we stop blaming our past, our parents, our friends, our siblings, and anyone else we keep blaming for the way we are with money...

And we start CHANGING it so we can create a brighter and wealthier future for ourselves.

4. Read. Here are some of my favorite books that helped change my money mindset, and my behaviors with money:


Logan Lynch

Logan is a modern-day renaissance woman. She owns her own physical therapy practice, is an online sales coach, and cycling instructor! Talk about a total bad a**. She is an enthusiastic soul with a love of making music, Crossfit, and helping women realize their full potential. When she is not out there changing the world, you are most likely to find Logan lounging in her hot tub with a glass of wine.


The START of Emotional Intelligence


Stop Sh*t Talking Money