One Year of She Unites

One year ago today, we launched She Unites. It is hard to believe that just 365 days ago we started this little passion project with no idea in the world what it would become. A dozen events, over 500 people reached and endless conversation being in community. With one year of experience under our belts, where do we go from here?

In year two, we plan to grow even more. We are continuing to expand our educational offerings with our classic monthly programming. We are already booked for speakers through the first quarter of 2023! We are continuing to build up our Recess events. Bigger and better is the name of the game. Our next Recess is on May 18 and we may or may not have gone a little overboard in making this one of our best events to date!

In addition to our already established programming, we will be launching a few new programs in the upcoming year. Number one is a High School outreach program. We are committed to making She Unites intergenerational and by engaging the youth in this community we will only strengthen our mission. Look out for Rise by She Unites coming this Fall to Dubuque. More information to come!

We are also committed to growing our educational outreach through a She Unites Podcast in the next year. Our goal is to offer means of teaching and education to all women and adding a podcast into our repertoire of content is next. Everyone has knowledge and wisdom to share. Some of us are just better at sharing that knowledge in different settings. Our podcast will give educators the opportunity to share their knowledge in a safe space and expand the She Unites brand through more digital content.

Now that we have told you what is in store for year two, what does She Unites look like in the next five years? We have big plans, big dreams. We see She Unites growing and expanding to other communities. Every city could benefit from a She Unites-like program and we want to bring it to them. What this looks like yet, we don’t know. But it is on our radar and by writing this, we are putting it into existence. Manifestation babes!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for making year one of She Unites incredible. We do not say this lightly, but this past year has been one of the most transformative and memorable years of our lives thus far. Without you and your participation, support, and joy, She Unites would not be what it is.

Happy Birthday Uniters! We love you.

Nat + Adele


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The START of Emotional Intelligence