An Intro to Human Design

Imagine a world where the second you are born, you have access to a road map that decodes your unique energy. Your parents are then able to raise you in a way that allows you to step into your uniqueness rather than being shamed for being different. Your boss can recognize you for your inherent gifts and understands that your decision-making process works differently than others within the company. You never have to find yourself in the comparison or jealousy game because you know you are not meant to have the same gifts as anyone else.

It’s a dream world, right?

Nope. This world exists. And we’re actually already living in it.

That road map to your energy I was talking about? It’s called Human Design. You can generate your chart based on the date, place and exact time of your birth. This chart, called your Body Graph, lays out exactly how you are energetically different from everyone else, and it celebrates those differences rather than shaming them.

Human Design is known as the science of differentiation; aka, the ultimate tool for self-discovery. It encompasses ancient modalities (Astrology, the Chakra System, I’Ching, and the Kabbalist Tree of Life) and modern science (Genetics, Astronomy, Biochemistry, and Quantum Mechanics) to give you a very specific guide to how your energy works. Human Design decodes how you best make decisions, how your energy is felt by others, your inherent talents and gifts, your personality archetypes, how you process, how you best interact with others, and so much more. It is truly a celebration of how we are all different. 

Are you intrigued? If you answered yes, then I have good news for you! Your chart is free. Visit and click ‘Get Your Free Chart.’ Enter your specific birth information, get your chart, then come back here!

When you generate your chart, what you see is a bunch of shapes, lines, numbers, and arrows. Unfortunately, it can look overwhelming and downright confusing. Fortunately, there are people like me who absolutely nerd out on what all those shapes, lines, numbers, and arrows mean. I could talk all day about Human Design and nothing brings me more joy than deciphering someone’s chart in a down-to-Earth and digestible way.

So let’s get to it! When you generate your chart, it will tell you your:

Type - your energetic body, or aura

Definition - your unique energetic programming

Strategy - your path to least resistance

Profile - the 2 sides of your personality

Authority - how you best make decisions

Not-Self Theme - what you’ll feel when you’re out of alignment

Incarnation Cross - your life purpose or theme

You will also see the shapes, lines, numbers and arrows I mentioned earlier. They speak to your energetic gifts/talents and contain the more layered information of your chart, as Human Design is a deeply layered modality. The deeper you go, the more ‘seen’ and honored you will feel. Upon discovering Human Design, people generally feel as though what they have always felt/known about themselves has been validated. 

I personally believe that if you know and experiment with your Type, Strategy, and Authority, your life will be forever changed. When you’re embodying those 3 aspects of your design, the rest will naturally fall into place, whether you know what it all ‘means’ or not.

Let’s start with your Type. There are 5 energetic Types, and every person is 1 of the 5 types: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting-Generator, Projector and Reflector.

Manifestors are ~8% of the population. They are here to initiate and inspire the rest of the population. They get ‘urges,’ or inspirations, and are meant to use their energy to act on them. When they do so, they then initiate or inspire the rest of us to jump on board with their ideas or take them over completely. 

Generators are ~37% of the population. They are here to use their energy doing what they love so that they feel fulfilled but also so they instill that passion in the rest of the population. 

Manifesting Generators are the only hybrid of the 5 Types, and they are ~33% of the population. Some important chart characteristics of the ManGens are shared with Generators. So they are here to use their energy doing what they love, but they are also meant to inspire and initiate the rest of us while doing what they love. 

Projectors are ~21% of the population. They are here to guide the rest of us as they can see the world in a way that is different from everyone else. How they uniquely see the world is their wisdom, and when recognized for that wisdom, they can make life easier and more efficient for the rest of us. 

Reflectors are ~1% of the population. These rare beings are here to deeply feel, amplify, and mirror the energy of others. Their unique way of feeling the energy of others gives them great discernment for what is and is not working/healthy for a person, group, or collective. This discernment is their wisdom, and when they are included into a group, and at the center of it, they are then able to mirror (reflect) that wisdom for everyone else to receive and understand. 

The information I’ve included above just scratches the surface of Human Design. Each of the five Types goes so much deeper than the brief description I provided, but I wanted you to have a taste of what your design can tell you about your energy. Stay tuned, because we’ll dive even deep next time!


Kristin Kilburg

Kristin is on a journey of personal expansion and loves connecting with like-minded people in order to grow and learn together. She has her Master's in Occupational Therapy, is the Medical Mindfulness Director at Challenge to Change, Inc, is a registered 200-hour and children's yoga teacher, and has completed several training programs for becoming a Human Design guide. When she's not actively engaged in any of those things, you can find her spending time with her husband, Keegan, and their golden retriever, Cooper, or snuggled up with a good book!


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