Women Talking Money Recap

A group of thirty women came together last week to talk all things money with Logan Lynch at She Unites. We broke down where our money mindset comes from and what we can do to have a healthy relationship with money. Logan just happens to be the host of the Saucy Sales Podcast and she did a whole episode on this topic that you can catch up and listen to.

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One topic that Logan really hit home on is the People vs Profit narrative.

“For someone to tell us as women that we are only capable of caring about EITHER profit or people…is frankly insulting. Why are we taught and told that we have to choose? We, as women, are wildly capable of holiday space for people AND money. Because guess what? When we have more money, we can help more people! We have the time, the resources, the capability to widen our impact and make a bigger difference.”

Want to chat more about this topic? Feel free to email Logan and she will gladly chat with you!


Women Will Get It Done


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