She Talks…Body Image Recap

Body Image. Where do we even begin? If you are a human reading this, you have a story with your own body image, whether it be positive or negative, destructive or supportive. On January 19, 60 women from the community came together for a discussion on body image. It was raw, vulnerable, and most importantly powerful. When we can collectively address where these struggles come from, how to seek help, and support one another on the journey, we give the negativity and self-talk less power.

Our beautiful panel of speakers came from all walks of life, both personal and professional, to share their stories. Casey Curoe is a women’s health coach and personal trainer who shared about her experience growing up as an athlete and how as a coach she supports a healthy body image to her athletes. Whitney Sanger, a local community advocate shared her intimate journey with Bulimia as a teenager. From inpatient treatment to now being a champion of brain health initiatives, she told us all about how having a support system ready to swoop in help you is the key to recovery. Morgan Pavon is a dietitian who specializes in eating disorders and disordered eating. Morgan created a brave space to speak on her journey through orthorexia, the obstacles in the healthcare system for individuals to get treatment.

While nothing from this night can truly be recaptured in the written word, what we will share is that there was power in the room. Power in the stories shared. Power in the questions asked. And power in the community. If there is one thing to take away from this discussion is that everyone needs support. We can not heal without others. If you are in need of support in your own journey with body image, please feel free to reach out to any of our panel members. Casey, Whitney, and Morgan were vulnerable in sharing their stories and will be listening ears for you.




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